



Artist Bios










Artist Biographies

Guillermo Aranda lives in San Diego and works with youth in the city to create murals based on principles of La Raza and Aztlan. He served as the artistic director for the Centro Cultural de la Raza. 35 Featured on this site is an untitled poster made in 1971.

Armando Cid is best known for his paper mache art depicting El Dia de los Muertos, but he also works with prints, oils, and watercolors. He is a member of the Royal Chicano Air Force, and received his masters in printmaking at Sacramento State University. He has taught at several colleges and universities throughout California, and is currently the Artist Facillitator at a prison in Solano, CA. 36 Featured on this site is his poster, "Tardeada con Cesar Chavez," which he created in 1976.


Rudy Cuellar is one of the founding members of the Royal Chicano Air Force. 37 Featured on this site is his work, "Che," created in 1973.

Richard Duardo has worked as an artist in Los Angeles for twenty five years. He graduated from UCLA with a concentration in graphic design and his work has been displayed in Japan, New York, and Los Angeles. He received the California Arts Comission Artist of the Year Award and has opened his own fine art print studio, Hecho en Atzlan. 38 Featured on this site is his poster, "Zootsuit," made in 1978.


Ricardo Favela teaches art at California State University. He is also a member of the Royal Chicano Air Force. 39 Featured on this site is his work, "Centennial," made in 1975. In the picture below, he is the man in the straw hat.




Louie Gonzalez had not originally intended to become an artist. He wanted to become a writer of Chicano stories because he loved to play with words, especially bilingually. He became exposed to art and posters through the Royal Chicano Air Force, and began creating his own posters when he discovered that they were a powerful medium for reaching many people. 40 Featured on this site are his works, "En Estos Ojos," made in 1976 and "Yes on 14," made in 1973.


Ester Hernandez graduated from UC Berkeley and lives in San Francisco. She has been depicting women in her art ever since. Her work has been displayed in many prestigious museums, including the Smithsonian. She currently teaches at a visual art center for disabled adults. 41 Featured on this site is her work, "Sun Mad," made in 1982.
