Featured Stories

  • Electricity, eel-style

    Jan 29, 2018

    Inspired by the electric eel, a flexible, transparent electrical device could lead to body-friendly power sources for implanted health monitors and medication dispensers, augmented-reality contact lenses and countless other applications.

    Read The Story
  • Successful student innovations continue to evolve

    Jan 22, 2018

    From an app for facilitating end-of-life conversations, to creation of sustainable animal feed to a lactation simulation model to help with breastfeeding, U-M entrepreneurs continue to advance ventures started when they were students. Finding a good source of animal protein using Black Soldier Fly larvae was team Kulisha’s answer to counter the impact of destructive fishing methods.

    Learn more

    Jan 15, 2018

    With the theme “The Fierce Urgency of Now,” the 2018 MLK Symposium features dozens of events that call us to claim ownership of the challenges we face and not leave them for future generations to address.

    Learn more about these events
  • 3-D printing gets a turbo boost

    Jan 8, 2018

    A major drawback to 3-D printing—the slow pace of the work—could be alleviated through a software algorithm developed at the University of Michigan. The algorithm allows printers to deliver high-quality results at speeds up to two times faster than those in common use, with no added hardware costs.

    Learn more about these new algorithms
  • Floodproofing cities

    Jan 1, 2018

    Smart stormwater systems can reconfigure urban watersheds in real-time to limit flooding and improve water quality. Engineering researchers are working with four communities to test out these networks of autonomous sensors and valves. The technology could potentially save lives and billions of dollars in property damage.

    Learn more about this collaborative research
  • Our Bicentennial Year

    Dec 25, 2017

    At Michigan, we’ve been educating future leaders since 1817. Please enjoy a look back at the events and people of U-M's 2017 celebration and commemoration of its 200th anniversary.

    Watch the video
  • Doubling the power of the world's most intense laser

    Dec 18, 2017

    With more laser energy to focus, researchers at the University of Michigan and collaborators from around the world can make better tabletop devices that produce particle and X-ray beams for medical and national security applications—and also explore mysteries in astrophysics and the quantum realm.

    Learn more about this laser’s power upgrade
  • “Little Stones” ​against violence​

    Dec 11, 2017

    “I always feel the movement is a sort of mosaic. Each of us puts in one little stone.” Women’s rights activist Alice Paul's statement is at the heart of a project among faculty, students and an award-winning filmmaker alumna to shed light on global violence​ against women--a collaboration ​that ​offers resources for classroom discussion​.​

    Learn more about this collaboration

    Dec 4, 2017

    U-M’s University Musical Society hosted the New York Philharmonic in November as part of an unprecedented partnership between a university and one of the world’s renowned orchestras. Their residency included public workshops and performances featuring students alongside professional musicians.

    View highlights from their visit to Ann Arbor
  • Giving Blueday was a success!

    Nov 29, 2017

    On November 28, the U-M community came together and gave for the future! The day saw incredible results because of you. Your support will leave a lasting impression on the university, community, and students.

    Learn more about the day’s success.
  • It’s Giving Blueday!

    Nov 28, 2017

    Today is the day to give for the future! Giving Blueday, our online, 24-hour day of giving, impacts communities near and far. Support what you love at U-M, and help us celebrate the university’s 200th birthday.

    Discover the ways you can make a difference with a gift today.
  • What difference can one day make?

    Nov 27, 2017

    Giving Blueday 2017 is Tuesday, November 28. We’re celebrating U-M’s 200th birthday and our annual day of giving. As U-M prepares for the big day, take a look back at the impact Giving Blueday has had on the university and its neighboring communities.

    Find out more
  • Controlled Burn

    Nov 20, 2017

    In October, U-M researchers and firefighters established the sixth “burn plot” in a long-running experiment at the Biological Station that seeks to approximate, on a tiny scale, the epic lumbering and wildfire disturbances that transformed the forests of the Upper Great Lakes region more than a century ago.

    Learn how a century of forest history is recreated at the U-M Biological Station
  • U-M is a leader in study abroad

    Nov 13, 2017

    ​From Germany to South Africa and China to South America, U-M is in the top 10 among higher education institutions with the most students studying abroad.

    Learn More about the Open Doors Report
  • Student Veterans at U-M

    Nov 6, 2017

    “It became very clear to me that our school was known for its successful programs and groups for veterans to turn to for many different types of support. I feel very lucky to be a part of this university’s student veteran community — one that provides a sense of belonging. It’s much like that of the military families all of us have made during our service in the past.”

    Learn more about Alyssa Carrillo’s experience
  • Home Sweet Homelab

    Oct 30, 2017

    When researchers needed a way to study how people live and move in their own home, University of Michigan brought home to the researchers.

    Learn more about the new U-M HomeLab

    Oct 23, 2017

    The final bicentennial festival of 2017 looks to the University's future and concludes with a uniquely Michigan HAILstorm!

    Learn more about these events
  • Expanding cancer research

    Oct 16, 2017

    With a new partnership between the U-M School of Public Health and Ethiopia's Public Health institute, more than 14,000 handwritten cancer reports have found a place in an online cancer registry. It all started with a chance meeting.

    Learn more about this collaboration
  • 2nd place for U-M Solar Car

    Oct 12, 2017

    In the best international finish in U-M Solar Car's 27-year history, the team took silver in the 2017 Bridgestone World Solar Challenge in Australia #BWSC17 #GoBlue

    Read the story and race coverage
  • Architecture students learn from pros

    Oct 9, 2017

    Teams of Taubman College students create solar umbrella roof designs for a graduate art center at UCLA. The real architectural challenge presented by a professional in the field is the focus of an engaged learning workshop.

    Read The Story
  • Genetic Research a Key Ingredient to Precision Health

    Oct 3, 2017

    Talk with researchers involved with Precision Health at the University of Michigan and the same sense of purpose emerges: to use intelligence about our individual make-up, in combination with data about our health experience and habits, to speed scientific discoveries that will impact personal health.

    Learn more about Precision Health at U-M
  • Printable Medications

    Sep 27, 2017

    A technology that can print pure, ultra-precise doses of drugs onto a wide variety of surfaces could one day enable on-site printing of custom-dosed medications at pharmacies, hospitals and other locations. The technique, which was developed at U-M, can print multiple medications into a single dose on a dissolvable strip, microneedle patch or other dosing device.

    Learn more about this new technique
  • Three species of tiny frogs discovered in Peruvian Andes

    Sep 25, 2017

    A University of Michigan ecologist and his colleagues have discovered three more frog species in the Peruvian Andes, raising to five the total number of new frog species the group has found in a remote protected forest since 2012.

    Learn more about these newly found species
  • Finding the right way and ‘why’ to get healthy

    Sep 18, 2017

    U-M fitness expert Michelle Segar, director of the Sport, Health, and Activity Research and Policy Center, says popular fitness trackers don't inherently make us move. Rather, it's the way that exercise makes us feel that ultimately motivates us to get active.

    Watch the video
  • U-M Biologist teaches microbe-hunting skills honed at sea

    Sep 11, 2017

    U-M biologist Melissa Duhaime recently spent a month on a research vessel off the coast of Antarctica, filtering bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms from thousands of gallons of seawater. Now she will head out on Lake Michigan in a 65-foot schooner to teach her microbe-hunting skills to U-M undergraduates as part of a new course called "Microbes in the Wild: Environmental Microbiology Lab."

    Learn more about this research and lab course