< Epsilon Alumni Collective (EAC)

EAC downloads and information

What is the Epsilon Alumni Collective (EAC)?

The EAC is a third-party, non-profit entity formed to develop supportive community and private sector relationships with the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc Epsilon Chapter.

Mission Statement

The primary goal of the EAC is to be a private partner of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc Epsilon Chapter. The EAC will secure resources from foundations, corporations and individuals to be distributed to the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc Epsilon Chapter to support programs for which funds are not available from federal, state and local public sources. These programs will stimulate excellence in and mobilize community support for enhancing the quality of education Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc Epsilon Chapter.


Epsilon Centennial Exibition
Format | PDF

What is the EAC?
Format | DOC



Copyright 2008, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. - Epsilon Chapter.                          Maintained by Bro. Adrian J. Reynolds