University of Michigan Clinical Simulation Center

Development of a Virtual Disaster Simulator (VDS)

The University of Michigan Virtual Reality Laboratory and the University of Michigan 3D Lab are currently developing a Virtual Disaster Simulator (VDS) for the Clinical Simulation Center at the University of Michigan Medical School. This ongoing project is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as part of the Specialty Centers in Public Health Preparedness (S-CPHPs).


Optimal education and training for rare occurrences, such as weapons of mass destruction attacks, present unique challenges. High-fidelity simulations of disaster scenarios provide a rich training and educational environment.

The University of Michigan Clinical Simulation Center will use a fully immersive Virtual Reality CAVE System to develop virtual disaster scenarios for training of emergency room and first responder personnel. The ability to simulate the chaos of such situations and immerse trainees in high-fidelity representations will provide a powerful training tool for learning and practicing the decisions and skills required in handling disaster situations.


For more information about this project, please contact the Principal Investigator:

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Last update: November 4, 2006, kpb
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