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October 2007



- Thank you to everyone who participated in the Light the Night walk! USAC's team raised over $1000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Thanks also to everyone who helped the Athletic Committee's can drive. If you volunteered the day of the drive or donated cans, please email alanako@umich.edu to ensure you get your member or board point.


- The Breast Cancer Awareness Diag Day and Making Strides Walk were big successes! Thanks to everyone who came out to the Diag or Gallup Park. The Diag Day raised $30 and USAC's walkers raised almost $800 for breast cancer awareness. Please remember to keep purchasing Breast Cancer Awareness merchandise and turning in your yogurt lids throughout October!


- Camp Kesem is having a mass meeting TOMORROW, Thursday, October 25 at 8 pm in room 2105A of the Union. Come learn about how you can get involved with this entirely student-run camp for children of cancer patients.


- Cancer Awareness Week is holding a bake sale in the main entrance of Mason Hall on October 30th and 31st from 9am-4pm. If you can help by providing a baked good to sell, please email cawchairs0708@umich.edu.


- The next Ronald McDonald cookout date is Tuesday, November 6 from 4-7 pm at the Ronald McDonald House of Ann Arbor. If you are interested in helping, please email Kate at kmzahn@umich.edu.


- Thursday, November 15 is the Great American Smokeout. This national event encourages smokers to quit smoking for a day in the hopes that they will quit smoking for good. USAC will be sponsoring a Diag Day for this event from 11am -3pm on November 15th. We will be handing out "quit kits" that contain items such as candy and small games, as well as information on the benefit of quitting and ways to quit. We need your help to make this a successful event! We will need people to help get prizes for the raffle and to hand out the information and quit kits during the actual event. If you are interested, please email Mary (mkme@umich.edu) or Jessica (jesswh@umich.edu).


- The LUNGevity Committee will be holding its 2nd annual kickoff event on Sunday, November 18 from 2-4 pm to raise awareness and excitement for the April LUNGevity walk. Come to learn about how you can get involved with the walk, learn about current lung cancer research, and eat some great food! The kickoff will be held at 424 Benjamin Street. For more info, please email Yelena at yelz@umich.edu.


- Don't forget to participate in USAC's magazine sale fundraiser! You can earn a member point for ordering. Please email lcklein@umich.edu for more information.


- The U-M Comprehensive Cancer Center is currently recruiting weekly volunteer hosts to assist in staffing the new Patient and Family Center lounge.  Shifts are available in two hour segments, morning or afternoon on weekdays.  Hosts will welcome visitors to the lounge and benefit by receiving community service hours. 



Questions? Email usacexec0708@umich.edu
