

i probably am a dog. perhaps i like dogs too much. if i’m introduced to a group of people and dogs, i get acquainted with the dogs first. oh well, one could do worse than be in the company of dogs. and in a way, they are much-needed (especially for me) ambassadors for us socially and spiritually retarded humans.

the dog at right is my present charge, buzzy, whom i rescued through the aussie rescue and placement helpline. if you want to get an aussie and don’t particularly want to raise a puppy (i believe puppies belong in a hole in the ground with their ilk), ARPH is the way to go. as you might gather, my breed of choice is the australian shepherd. they are smart, energetic, affectionate, and they have an “off switch.”

“buzzy bomb” is my little lunatic. he’s very smart (i may be the only one to think that) and the most enthusiastic and loyal companion you could ask for. he’s a good-natured lad.

in a former life, i also liked to do flyball. my team was the front runners. i very much enjoy my dog-training friends. a nicer and more down-to-earth group you will never find.

before buzzy, there were farley and kirby, “my boys.” i lost them both to cancer in the summer summer of ’04, within one day of each other. they were buds to the end, and i couldn't imagine them without each other, and i guess i won't have to. farley is the background image for this page. i don’t think i will ever stop missing them.

two more pix of them:

(my good friend peter thomas took all these shots)

kirby farley