Coetzee, Andries, Nicholas Henriksen, & Lorenzo García-Amaya. (2024). Patagonian Afrikaans: A remnant variety spoken in South America. In W. Carstens & N. Bosman (Eds.), Afrikaans Linguistics: Contemporary Perspectives, pp. 501–530. SUN Press. |
Henriksen, Nicholas & Kelly Kendro. (2024). Laxing vowel harmony. In Oxford Handbook of Vowel Harmony, ed. by H. van der Hulst & N. Ritter, pp. 94–99. Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
Galvano, Amber & Nicholas Henriksen. (2023). Cross-dialectal comparison of /st/ clusters in Spanish: Implications for sound change. In R. Skarnitzl & J. Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023, pp. 3051–3055. Guarant International. |
García-Amaya, Lorenzo, Kelly Kendro, & Nicholas Henriksen. (2023). Regional variation, articulation rate, and pausing patterns in three varieties of Spanish. In R. Skarnitzl & J. Volín (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 2023, pp. 1449–1453. Guarant International. |
Henriksen, Nicholas. (2021). Second and third language acquisition of Romance phonology. In Manual of Romance Phonetics and Phonology, ed. by C. Gabriel, R. Gess, & T. Meisenburg, pp. 435–461. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter. |
Henriksen, Nicholas, Stephen Fafulas, & Erin O’Rourke. (2020). Intervocalic phonemic stop realization in Amazonian Peru: The case of Yagua Spanish. In Spanish Phonetics and Phonology in Contact: Studies from Africa, the Americas, and Spain, ed. by R. Rao, pp. 142–161. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. |
Henriksen, Nicholas, Lorenzo García-Amaya, Andries W. Coetzee, & Daan Wissing. (2019). Language contact in Patagonia: Durational control in the acquisition of Spanish and Afrikaans phonology. In The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Phonology, ed. by S. Colina & F. Martínez-Gil, pp. 416–438. New York: Routledge.* |
Henriksen, Nicholas. (2019). Future directions for sociophonetic research in Spanish. In Recent Advances in the Study of Spanish Sociophonetic Perception, ed. by W. Chappell, pp. 328–340. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. |
Alberto, Paulina, Ana Silva, Andries W. Coetzee, Lorenzo García-Amaya, Victoria Langland, Ryan Szpiech, Ellie Johandes, & Nicholas Henriksen. (2019). Los otros afro-argentinos: narrativas raciales de la colectividad sudafricana de la Patagonia del siglo XX. In Estudios Latinoamericanos 4: Actas de las Sextas Jornadas del GEALA, ed. by E. Lamborghini, M. Ghidoli, & J. F. Martínez Peria, pp. 175–190. Buenos Aires: Editions of the CCC Cultural Center of the Floreal Gorini Cooperation.* |
Coetzee, Andries, Lorenzo García-Amaya, Jiseung Kim, Daan Wissing, & Nicholas Henriksen. (2019). Velar Palatalization in Patagonian and South-African Afrikaans: Language and Settlement History in an Expatriate Community. In Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019, ed by S. Calhoun, P. Escudero, M. Tabain & P. Warren, pp. 1610–1614. Canberra, Australia: Australian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.* |
Henriksen, Nicholas, Meghan E. Armstrong, & Lorenzo García-Amaya. (2016). The intonational meaning of polar questions in Manchego Spanish spontaneous speech. In Interdisciplinary approaches to intonational grammar in Ibero-Romance, ed. by M. Armstrong, N. Henriksen, & M. Vanrell, pp. 181–206. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. |
Henriksen, Nicholas. (2016). Convergence effects in Spanish-English bilingual rhythm. In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2016. |
Henriksen, Nicholas. (2015). Secondary correlates of question signaling in Manchego Spanish. In The phonetics-phonology interface. Representations and methodologies, ed. by J. Romero & M. Riera, pp. 211–237. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. |
Coetzee, Andries, Lorenzo García-Amaya, Nicholas Henriksen, & Daan Wissing. (2015). Bilingual speech rhythm: Spanish-Afrikaans in Patagonia. In Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, ed. by The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015. Glasgow, UK: The University of Glasgow. |
Armstrong, Meghan E., Nicholas Henriksen, & Christian DiCanio. (2015). Sociophonetic analysis of young Peninsular Spanish women’s voice quality. In Hispanic linguistics at the crossroads: Theoretical linguistics, language acquisition and language contact, ed. by R. Klassen, J. M. Liceras & E. Valenzuela. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. |
Henriksen, Nicholas. (2013). Suprasegmental phonology in second language speech. In The handbook of Spanish second language acquisition, ed. by K. Geeslin, pp. 166–182. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. |
Geeslin, Kimberly L., Lorenzo G. García-Amaya, Maria Hasler-Barker, Nicholas Henriksen & Jason Killam. (2012). Variability in the L2 acquisition of perfective past time reference in Spanish in an abroad immersion setting. In Selected proceedings of the 15th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, ed. by K. Geeslin & M. Díaz-Campos, pp. 197–213. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. |
Henriksen, Nicholas & Erik W. Willis. (2010). Acoustic characterization of phonemic trill production in Jerezano Andalusian Spanish. In Proceedings of Laboratory Approaches to Spanish Phonology 4, ed. by M. Ortega-Llebaria, pp. 115–127. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. |
Geeslin, Kimberly L., Lorenzo J. García-Amaya, Maria Hasler-Barker, Nicholas Henriksen & Jason Killam. (2010). The development of variation in clitic pronouns among Spanish L2 learners in an abroad immersion program. In Selected proceedings of the 12th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, ed. by C. Borgonovo, M. Español-Echevarría & P. Prévost, pp. 246–259. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. |
Henriksen, Nicholas. (2009). Imperfect variation and class marking in the Old Spanish third conjugation. In Romance Linguistics 2007, ed. by P. Masullo, E O’Rourke & C.-H. Huang, pp. 143–156. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. |
Henriksen, Nicholas. (2007). Unexpected hiatus and base-identity in the Spanish verbal paradigm. In IUWPL6: Phonological opacity effects in Optimality Theory, ed. by A. Farris-Trimble & D.A. Dinnsen, pp. 17–33. Bloomington, IN: IULC Publications. |