1921 - 2015

The University of Michigan

Faculty Women’s Club



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Remembrance of Things Past

By Jane Warner, FWC Historian

Did you know that FWC once furnished a room in Paris?

In 1923, H. P. Thieme, a U of M professor spending a year in Paris, wrote to Mrs. Marion LeRoy Burton (president of FWC and wife of the University President informing her of a dormitory in Paris for American girls studying there and expressing the hope that the FWC would consider furnishing a room which “with the present value of the franc…could be done nicely for $75.”

After carefully going over the budget, the Board decided that “with very close management” it could comply with Prof. Thieme’s request and voted unanimously to send $75 to furnish the room, which was to be known as the “Room of the Faculty Women’s Club of Michigan.”

Vive FWC!!!