The University of Michigan

Faculty Women’s Club



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Skit for Annual Luncheon

April 18, 1962

FWC 40th Anniversary

Forty Years in Song and Rhyme

By Hope and Harlan Bloomer

The 1920s

‘Tis forty years, this October last

Since Faculty Women’s Club first came to pass.

A meeting was called by the new Mrs. Burton

Everyone came – you know that for certain.

In fact, fifty responded and passed a resolution

To formulate aims for a new constitution.

Three sections were formed, their hobby to pick –

The Dramatic, the Nursery, and the Athletic.

The Dramatic oft welcomed a husband as guest,

The Nursery gave mother a chance for a rest,

The Athletes were devoted to gymin’ and slimmin’

All part of the physical fitness of wimmin’.

Dances and luncheons, a reception and tea

Made faculty-wife life as gay as can be.

A building was found – old University Health

Which promised us joy in spite of itself.

It included a janitor, space, light and heat,

Where all of our numerous members could meet.

By means of our treasury, bridge and donation

We furnished our clubhouse with much compensation.

And we come now to January 1923

When Art section members first came to be.

It is an old adage that ‘music hath charms’

So a musical section was formed by the marms.

Horticultural ladies, wooing sunshine and showers

Formed a section to learn about gardens and flowers.

For a dollar a month as oft as seemed fitting

A plan was evolved for mass baby sitting.

Our numbers were growing, a happy condition

Next the Newcomers Section became an addition.

Twelve Newcomers entered their names to affix

To the membership rolls in 1926.

For the next two years our hopes soared like flying

As the League building bonds our members were buying.

The ladies worked hard and bought bonds like beavers

Since the world had not learned about “Under-achievers”.

So in nineteen hundred and twenty-nine

Our meetings were moved to environment fine.

And there, have flooded by happy tears,

The club members ended their first ten years.

The 1930s

Ah, those halcyon days – for our meetings, no rents

And the Annual Luncheon cost just fifty cents.

We had a League closet our treasures to store,

A small hideaway with a lock on the door.

This kept china and silver as safe as can be

Since few of us knew where to locate the key.

The thirties unfolded.  Now membership coin

Must be paid by the members ‘ere sections they’d join.

Monthly meetings were changed to Wednesday, no doubt

Because Thursday was everyone’s maids’ day out.

A pageant was held with such talent infused

A rerun was asked.  It was promptly refused.

The socially mined were soon taking chances

And luring their husbands to Faculty dances.

As the Club grew in scope and complexity

Its problems provided their share of perplexity.

Eligibility and all of the rest,

Were matters the officers tackled with zest.

Near twenty long annums now had been spent,

Yet it seemed scarce a day so swiftly it went.

The 1940s

With the war came a flurry of constant activity,

A gift for which Faculty wives have proclivity.

We raised money for E-bonds and purchased a Station

Wagon for Red Cross and thus aided the Nation.

A gay presentation of stunts, it is clear,

Celebrated our silver anniversary year.

Thus in February ‘forty-seven, anno domini,

Some four hundred wives and guests, you see,

Were entertained with skits and songs

And all that to such an occasion belongs.

In ’49 as the members increased

And activities grew, the Club thought at least

It should keep the membership informed better

And so was established the timely Newsletter.

And no sooner in print and its first mailing made

Than the Club had completed its next third decade.

The 1950s

The first half century now has passed,

The second half begun at last.

In ’54 our Board then was

At Inglis House and now still does

Meet there amid the song of linnets

To vote and listen to the minutes.

October of 1956 found Flint College establishing

A chapter of Faculty Women and wishing

To join in the Michigan tradition

Of multiplying new centers by fission.

At a Clement’s Memorial Library tea

Members of 35 years, you’ll agree

Were honored and a Club celebration was fixed

For December the second, 1956.

At the annual meeting in 1957

The constitution was changed and heaven

Was rent by the anguished cries of the blue

When dues were raised from one dollar to two!

And scarce had the members recoiled from that blow,

Than the fourth decade passed with the others in tow.

The 1960s

Instead of a document plagued with revisions

To serve as the base for our many decisions,

New By-Laws were writ without undue prolixity

Ratified and installed by the members in six-ity.

The next year we honored our Founders and all

Gathered to celebrate this in the fall.

A group formed in Dearborn had scarcely begun

Before it was chaptered in late ’61.

Now a decade has passed so the minutes by direction

Were bound and placed in the Archives of the University

                     of Michigan Historical Collection.

And now we’re middle-aged and forty

The years have passed but we’re still sporty.

Today was song and rhyme a plenty

Since we won’t again be two times twenty.


All hail to 1962

The past reviewed gives us a clue

Of what’s to come though it be cursory

Twixt now and our golden anniversary.

For our Club will be fifty years in time

While we’ll all still be thirty-nine.