1921 - 2015

The University of Michigan

Faculty Women’s Club



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It was cool!  It was far-out! It was the cat’s meow!!  The 75th Anniversary celebration of the Faculty Women’s Club was, in short, a success, far surpassing the committee’s greatest expectations.

There are tangible mementos of the 75th.  A gorgeous quilt depicting the Sections of FWC hangs in the League foyer to be admired for years to come.  Maize and Blue Gatherings, our commemorative cookbook is in use in many Ann Arbor kitchens.  A video tells the story of the quilt and chronicles the fashions of the “Ladies Who Lunched,” as portrayed at the Spring Luncheon. Photographs of our many festivities abound.

The tangibles are great.  But it took the intangibles to make the year’s success.  The enthusiasm of the members of FWC was fantastic. Sections participated wholeheartedly by planning their programs around the 75th anniversary.  Birthday cakes were baked.  Hats were brought down from attics.  Books from the 1920s were rediscovered.  And Flappers rolled down their stockings for the Dinner Dance.

It was a great year – a heart warming, gratifying year for the 75th Anniversary committee and hopefully for the entire Club.  The spirit of FWC shone through the year’s activities.  To all of you who worked so hard and so creatively in so many ways, we thank you – and we hope you had as much fun as we did!

The FWC 75th Anniversary Celebration Committee

(Requiescat in Pacem)

FWC Newsletter Fall 1996