Project 5 Corrections and Clarifications

Updated 11/22/2019

Most recent items appear first

Page numbers refer to the pdf document


This document is part of the project specifications.

Your solution must follow these corrections and clarifications.

Typing/copy-paste error in one of the console samples. 

If you have been using I/O redirection to test your solution for matching the samples, this should not have affected you.

The name validity console sample, name_validity_console.txt, contains a messed up version of one of the commands that doesn't correspond to the error message shown in the sample. 

The input file for redirection, name_validity_in.txt, is correct both in the intended command and the corresponding error message. 

A correct version of console sample has been uploaded. 

The defective command was:

map Peoria County_Seat 25 30

The correct version is:

build map County_Seat 25 30

The correct and intended error message is:

Invalid name for new object!