Project 1 Corrections and Clarifications

Updated 9/22/2019

Most recent items appear first

Page numbers refer to the pdf document


This document is part of the project specifications.

Your solution must follow these corrections and clarifications.

Meeting.h, comment for add_Meeting_participant — comment is unclear.


/* Add a participant; return non-zero and do nothing if already present. */


/* Add a participant: if not already present, add the participant and return 0; otherwise, do nothing and return non-zero. */

P.16, #10, typo correction and clarification of format specifications -- "% c" is incorrect, " %c" is correct.


format specifications of %c, % c, %d, and %s. 


format specifications of %d,  %s (also as in "%9s"), and either the single character form "%c", or the single character after skipping leading whitespace of " %c" (a space before the %). Note that more than one format specification and its variable can appear in an input (or output) function call depending on what you need to do.