Willis, Charles Bridgeman, Plate 125

In his design of Stowe Garden, Brown provided unity and form which he felt was reflective of the noble society. He incorporated light and shade to capture the natural beauty of the garden. A replica of nature indeed was the essence of the garden. Capitalizing on the ideas of Kent, Brown transformed Stowe into what he believed to be the Garden of Eden. As a result of explorations to the New World and stories of this exotic tropical paradise, he sought to replicate the natural beauty of the New World through his landscape of Stowe Garden. Although Brown's vision was to depict nature, his aim was not to depict nature as wild and uncontrolled. He used colors, shades, lawn, trees, and light to display organization contrary to the dominant idea of natural beauty. Here it must be noted that Brown provided unity and organization to the idea of Kent. Brown's landscape made use of elements in nature, but he created the garden instead of allowing nature to create the garden.