Daniel E. Wilcox


This is the personal website of Daniel E. Wilcox—father, teacher, Mormon, and scientist. I hope this website will help people become familiar with me and facilitate discussion about important subjects. I feel it is too easy to isolate my life's facets from each other, to their detriment. I've created this website in an effort to bring together my communities—my family and my religious and my scientific colleagues. Hopefully we can learn together and improve ourselves together.

Feedback and discussions

I created a Google Group forum to allow for discussion. In order to be able to enforce mutual respect and topic relevance (i.e. prevent trolls and spammers), all posters will need to apply to join the group. If you click on the above link, there's a button you can click to apply. Meanwhile, for general feedback about this website, there's a discussion.


This is a work in progress, and so please be patient with broken links, incomplete information, poor formatting, etc. I will try my best to keep this up-to-date and functional.

This site has no relationship with the University of Michigan other than being hosted on the personal-website hosting service the University provides.