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Center for Motor Behavior & Pediatric Disabilities

Parent Information

Motor Behavior Goals and Objectives:

Preschooler (2-5 years)

  • Goal 1: Demonstrates a variety of locomotor skills used for playing independently and with other children .
    • Objective 1: My child is able to initiate running during play activity.
    • Objective 2: My child is able to jump up and land without falling.
    • Objective 3: My child is able to climb up on a flat surface of a piece of playground equipment positioned close to the ground and successfully jump off.
    • Objective 4: My child can climb onto a tricycle, hold onto the handles, and push or pedal across a room.
  • Goal 2: Demonstrates a variety of object manipulation skills used for playing independently and with other children.
    • Objective 1: While seated on the floor, my child is able to push and receive a soft, light-weight ball.
    • Objective 2: When sitting and standing, my child is able to throw a soft object in my direction upon request.
    • Objective 3: My child is able to climb onto a safe swing and hold on while being pushed by an adult.
    • Objective 4: My child is able to climb up the ladder of a sliding board and slide down with decreasing amounts of help.
    • Objective 5: My child can catch a balloon tossed at head or chest level.
    • Objective 6: My child can kick a stationary ball placed on the floor.
    • Objective 7: My child can hold a small plastic bat and strike a 6 inch soft stationary ball positioned on the floor and on a batting tee.
    • Objective 8: My child can roll a small ball at a target (milk jugs, soda cans).
    • Objective 9: My child can throw, kick, and roll balls and retrieve them.
    • Objective 10: My child initiates play with balls and other available equipment during leisure time at school and at home.

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Center for Motor Behavior & Pediatric Disabilities
401 Washtenaw Ave
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2214
(734)936-2607, Fax (734)936-1925

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Copyright © 1999 The Regents of the University of Michigan
Created September 1, 1999