These are the print commands for the C. Itoh Prowriter 8510 printer. Many Atari programs are set up for the Prowriter as well as the Epson, because it is a popular printer among Atari owners. Some programs do not support the Prowriter and this seems to mainly be because the programmer doesn't have access to the codes for it. To try and help, I have typed these from the Printer manual. I hope they help. Tom Dewar 72777,3102 GENERAL FORMAT COMMAND DESCRIPTION BASIC FORMAT Carriage Return Returns carriage to CR left position CHR$(13) Line Feed Moves paper up one LF line CHR$(10) Form Feed Advances paper one FF (Top of Form) full page length CHR$(12) from present position Back Space Moves the print head BS back one space CHR$(08) Set Tabs Sets a tab at each ESC ( ,a,b,c. column designated CHR$(27);CHR$(40); "a,b,c." Clear Tabs Clears tab at each ESC ) ,a,b,c. column designated CHR$(27);CHR$(41); "a,b,c." Clear All Tabs Clears all tabs ESC 0 CHR$(27);CHR$(48) Horizontal Tab Sets Carriage to HT next tab position CHR$(09) Pica Pitch Sets 10 cpi pica ESC N pitch (640 dpl, 80 dpi) CHR$(27);CHR$(78) Elite Pitch Sets 12 cpi elite ESC E pitch (768 dpl, 96 dpi) CHR$(27);CHR$(69) Compressed Pitch Sets 17 cpi (1088 dpl) ESC Q compressed pitch(136 dpi) CHR$(27);CHR$(81) Proportional Selects Proportional ESC P Mode (1280 dpl, 160 dpi) CHR$(27);CHR$(80) Elongated Sets elongated SO Character Select character mode CHR$(14) Elongated Clears elongated SI Character Clear character mode CHR$(15) Boldface Select Sets boldface ESC ! type mode CHR$(27);CHR$(33) Boldface Clear Clears boldface ESC " type mode CHR$(27);CHR$(34) Underline Select Selects underlined ESC X text mode CHR$(27);CHR$(88) Underline Clear Clears underlined ESC Y text mode CHR$(27);CHR$(89) Character Repeat Causes the next ESC R, nnn Character to be CHR$(27);CHR$(82); printed nnn times "nnn" Line Feed 1/6 Sets 1/6 inch ESC A Inch spacing between CHR$(27);CHR$(65) lines Line Feed 1/8 Sets 1/8 inch ESC B Inch spacing between CHR$(27);CHR$(66) lines Custom Line Feed Sets nn/144 inch ESC T, nn spacing between CHR$(27);CHR$(84) lines "nn" Forward Line Feed Moves paper in normal ESC f (forward) direction CHR$(27);CHR$(102) Reverse Line Feed Moves paper in reverse ESC r (backward) direction CHR$(27);CHR$(114) Bidirectional Printer prints in ESC < Printing both horizontal CHR$(27);CHR$(60) directions Unidirectional Printer prints in ESC > Printing forward direction CHR$(27);CHR$(62) only Left Margin Set Sets left margin ESC 8, nnn to position nnn CHR$(27);CHR$(56); "nnn" Greek Characters Selects Greek ESC & Character Set CHR$(27);CHR$(38) Graphic Symbols Selects Graphic Symbol ESC # Character Set CHR$(27);CHR$(35) Alphanumeric Selects (normal) ESC $ Characters alphanumeric character CHR$(27);CHR$(36) Set Incremental Print Selects Incremental ESC [ Mode Print Mode CHR$(27);CHR$(91) Logic Seek Mode Selects (normal) ESC ] logic-seek mode CHR$(27);CHR$(93) Bit Image Graphics Dot by dot firing mode ESC S, nnnn (nnnn = # of dot CHR$(27);CHR$(83); positions ex. 200=0200) "nnnn" Dot Column Repeat Following 1 byte is ESC V, nnnn repeatedly printed in CHR$(27);CHR$(86); 8 dots/dot column "nnnn" Dot Addressing The head is moved to ESC F, nnnn the dot position CHR$(27);CHR$(70); indicated by nnnn "nnnn" Dot by Dot spacing in proportional mode 1 Dot Space ESC 1 CHR$(27);CHR$(49) 2 Dot Space ESC 2 CHR$(27);CHR$(50) 3 Dot Space ESC 3 CHR$(27);CHR$(51) 4 Dot Space ESC 4 CHR$(27);CHR$(52) 5 Dot Space ESC 5 CHR$(27);CHR$(53) 6 Dot Space ESC 6 CHR$(27);CHR$(54)