›››› \cTEXAN'S CHILI CONQUERS ALL›› By Vincent Alfieri -- from The Best Book of: WordPerfect›› Demonstration of Multi-Column Formatting with Daisy-Dot II›\d4\l \p \p \p› POULET, Texas. When he was\tdiabolical scheme to destroy my\tpay long and hard for my sins.\t"Who knows, maybe I can sell› a boy, Stanley Beburp dreamed\tentire insides. "People who\t Meanwhile, Stan was blithely\tthe t-shirt concession soon,› of becoming the King of Chili.\taren't used to chili, and\tand rather rapidly rattling on\ttoo!"› "Other boys wanted to be\tespecially to my chili, find it\tabout his childhood. All I\t-----------------------------› firemen and policemen. Not me!\tat first a bit hard to swallow.\tcould catch were snips and\t This page demonstrates› I wanted to be the world's\tGet it? Hard to swallow!\tsnatches here and there.\tDaisy-Dot II's capabilities of› expert on chili, the Reigning\tHah!"\t "Poor family ... never had\tformatting PROPORTIONAL text in› Monarch of the Red Hot."\t I smiled meekly, all the\tenough to eat, it seemed ...\tmultiple columns. This format› Now it looks as if Beburp's\twhile trying to ascertain\tfather disappeared when he was\tis achieved using DDII's tab› dreams have come true. Not\texactly where I was and what in\t10 ... mother not the best of\tcommands. Since you can have a› only did his "Buckaroo Chili"\theaven's name I was doing with\tcooks, but can't blame her ...\tmaximum of ten tab settings at› take first prize in the All-\tthis uncontrollable, burning\tneighbor's wife made chili\tonce, DDII can support up to› Texas Chili Round-Up, but it\tsensation which writhed down my\tevery week ... it became an\t\u11\u columns of text at once.› did so for the tenth\tthroat and ended in the pit of\tobsession, a craving which he\t This text was written on an› consecutive year, a record that\tmy stomach. The beer helped a\tcouldn't satisfy ... he would\tIBM PC using WordPerfect› no one has ever come close to\tlittle, but only a little, and\tspend hours over the pot ...\tbecause of its superior › beating.\tonly if I continued to down it\tshe gave him the task of\thandling of multiple column› What's more, a large\tlike water. I was also\tstirring the chili ... that was\tformatting. However, if there› international food conglomerate\tthinking wistfully of quiche\tthe real secret: in the\tis sufficient interest, I may› has approached Beburp with an\tlorraine and other more, well,\tstirring ..."\twrite a program to convert› offer to mass produce and\tcivilized food.\t Soon the minor revolution\tsingle column text from any› distribute his prize-winning\t "Are you from New York?" he\tthat had begun in my stomach\tword processor into multi-› Chili as part of a new line of\tasked, as I politely refused\twas turning into an event of\tcolumn format for Daisy-Dot II.› frozen food products\tanother ladleful. "I've found\tmajor proportions, an uproar\t There are some limitations› emphasizing "regional American\tNew Yorkers the most difficult\tthat swelled and took with it\tto using multiple columns with› cuisine."\tto please. They never seem to\tmy sense of decorum and all my\tDaisy-Dot II: columns can't be› "It's like what I always\tenjoy my chili. I think their\tEastern-bred reliance on the\tjustified, tabs can't be used› knew would happen," he\ttaste buds must have been\tbalance between the Inner and\twithin columns, boldface is› exclaimed. "Someday people\tdestroyed in early childhood.\tOuter Man. At the moment, the\tnot effective, including› everywhere would appreciate me\tMust have something to do with\tInner Man was a devil who had\tverbatim files will make a› for my true worth, would\tthe subways, I think."\ttotally subverted the Outer Man\tmess, and densities can't be› recognize the grandeur and\t (Little did Stan realize\tto his wishes. I excused\tmixed.› majesty of good chili."\tthat the hottest of the Hunan,\tmyself and stumbled towards the\t But underlining, wide print,› Beburp, or Stan, as he is\tso much praised in the Big\trestroom.\tvariable spacing, and multiple› most often known to virtually\tApple and elsewhere, couldn't\t Later, I would look around\tfonts are still supported.› everyone, dipped a huge ladle\tcome even close to the pinnacle\tand see what appeared to be\t Please contact me if you› into a steaming pot of--what\tof picantness that was and is\tthousands of fiends calmly\thave any comments or questions.› else?--Buckaroo Chili, and\tBuckaroo Chili. As one who has\tspooning down huge bowls of› offered it to the unsuspecting\talways considered himself a\tperdition, drinking beer and\t Roy Goldman, author of DDII› writer. Not being one to\trelentless pursuer of the\tsoda, all the time laughing and\t 2440 South Jasmine› refuse a kind gesture, I took\tultimate "hot trip," I felt\thaving a jolly good time. I\t Denver, CO 80222› up the challenge. Fortunately,\tthat, at long last, I had met\twondered whether I had finally\t (GEnie: RGOLDMAN)› there was a pint of cold beer\tmy match.)\tgone through the looking glass\t (CIS: 72347,3705)› also readily available.\t Things were getting a bit\tand were not, in fact, viewing› "It's hot, isn't it?" Stan\tbefuddled and confused as I\tthe world through the\tMarch 28, 1988› asked, offering to help wipe\ttried to listen to Stan recount\tdistortion of some mad fever.› the tears away from my eyes as\this life story. My head was\tSomewhere, far off in the› I nearly swooned in what\treeling, and my stomach was\tdistance now, a voice was› appeared to me to be a\tgiving me notice that I would\tbuzzing in the hot, midday sun:›ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ