Project Integration and Visualization Tool

About PIViT

The Project Integration Visualization Tool (PIViT), developed as a flexible design tool for Macintosh and Windows operating systems, helps teachers visualize and plan complex, integrated curricula such as those associated with Project-Based Science. In Project-Based Science students learn substantial science content by finding solutions to authentic questions through inquiry.

Instructional planning is never an easy task, and truly innovative and project-based instruction is especially challenging. Creative teachers must do more than plan individual investigations, artifacts, and teacher activities; they must also interrelate these instructional components in such a way that they complement each other and build toward assessment goals. The various tools available in PIViT support teachers' needs in planning.

PIViT provides easy-to-use graphical mapping tools that support teachers as they move from brainstorming ideas to constructing feasible, integrated project designs. The Project Design window provides a space where all of the instructional components are drawn and relationships shown. The graphical windows support sub-mapping, highlighting, and color coding. PIViT also has a calendar feature whereby elements in a project design can be dynamically linked into a daily-planning tool. A student version of PIViT for Macintosh is also available, which can be used specifically for the creation of concept maps.

Objective libraries in PIViT afford easy copy-and-paste of each content standard into project designs. Libraries are available for the State of Michigan's K-12 objectives in science, mathematics, English/language arts, and eight additional areas. Also available are the Michigan Assessment Team (MAT) materials. These will be provided in an assessment library format, replete with example assessments

Obtaining PIViT

PIViT is being distributed via the PS Net (Project-Support Network).

Credits for PIViT

PIViT is a product of the Project-Based Science group at the University of Michigan. PIViT is designed by Joseph Krajcik, Kathleen Brade, Phyllis Blumenfeld and Elliot Soloway. PIViT for Macintosh� is programmed by Kathleen Brade. PIViT for Windows� is programmed by Kathleen Brade, Jeff Freisthler and Jason Sandys. PIViT is supported in part by grants from the National Science Foundation and an Eisenhower Grant from the Michigan State Department of Education. PIViT is Copyright � 1993-1996 The Regents of The University of Michigan. All Rights Reserved. PIViT is freely available to everyone who registers for it.

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This page was last modified on July 29, 1995.