Featured Stories
Looking to Kenya’s Lake Victoria
To try to understand how harmful algal blooms might evolve in Lake Erie in a warming climate, University of Michigan scientists helped conduct a survey of cyanobacteria in a gulf of Kenya’s Lake Victoria.
U-M astronomy will lead its first satellite mission
The first space mission led by the University of Michigan Department of Astronomy is scheduled to launch in 2029. The mission is called STARI—STarlight Acquisition and Reflection toward Interferometry—and will showcase the viability of a new technique for studying exoplanets, or planets outside of our solar system.
Celebrating a milestone CT scan
For seven years, a CT scanner has been whirring away nearly around the clock, tucked inside of a lab at the University of Michigan Research Museums Center. Now, the U-M MicroCT Scanning Laboratory has recently completed its 10,000th scan: a 3D scan of a wolverine skull, collected in British Columbia in 1948.
Thought-controlled virtual quadcopter
A brain-computer interface, surgically placed in a research participant with tetraplegia, paralysis in all four limbs, provided an unprecedented level of control over a virtual quadcopter—just by thinking about moving their unresponsive fingers.
- 19 schools and colleges — see complete listsee complete list
Stress in humans is bad, but for wild animals it can be lifesaving
Faced with relentless drought, capuchin monkeys showcased their remarkable resilience and provided the first data from wild primates to suggest that a stronger stress response promotes survival.
Learn more about this study
- The hidden costs of believing women are more socially oriented
- U-M, OpenAI launch partnership to expand AI research
- Wildland-urban fires trigger biological changes in firefighters, may explain increased cancer risks
- Dicamba drift: New use of an old herbicide disrupts pollinators
- Millions of children live with parents who have a substance use disorder
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Happening @ Michigan
- Mar 10 Peter Beinart in Conversation with Juan Cole
- Mar 12 CREES Exhibition. Threading the Needle: Vestiges of Colonialism and Femininity, an installation by Gluklya
- Mar 12 Trans Technologies Book Launch Event
- Mar 10 Customize the U-M Student Experience with MiMaizey and the Go Blue App
- Mar 10 More than Gray: Reimagining Early America in Full Color
- Mar 13 CREES Exhibition. Threading the Needle: Vestiges of Colonialism and Femininity, an installation by Gluklya
Visit Happening @ Michigan
Academic Calendar
- Mar 10
- Mar 16
- Apr 22
- Apr 23, 26-27
- Apr 24-25, 28-30
- May 1
- May 2-4
- May 6
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Carpe Diem

All Michigan, all the time
There’s always something amazing happening at Michigan. Whether it’s on campus or around the world, our students, faculty, staff and alumni are out seizing the day. A sampling of images captured over the years is shown in the gallery below.
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